Kemeza Child Support Initiative

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Kemeza Child Support Initiative

About us

Kemeza Child Support Initiative is community-based organization established in 2019 in Bugweri District, Eastern Uganda along Kampala -Malaba High way. We are legally registered and operating in Bugweri county within the sub county of Ibulanku in the Parishes of Ibulanku, Nawasenga,Ibaako and Bunyantole respectively.

The organization is passionate about the wellbeing aspiration of child mothers. These are basically children within the age bracket of (13-17years) and victims of sexual abuse especially Defilement and child to sex ending up being mothers. After the perpetuators have been subjected to the formal justice system and are serving their sentence in the respective prisons, these girls are abandoned and rejected by the parents/ guardians to fend for themselves. Most resort to hawking, vending and child prostitution in the trading centers. Kemeza Child Support comes based on this background  to mend the broken pieces by restoring hope and dignified living to the child mothers through various programs.

Kemeza  Child Support Initiative as an organization has been quite helpful in helping the child mothers realize that there is life after abuse especially when discriminated and tormented by the parents/ guardians and also to ideologically orient the parents/guardians towards their role in the healing and restoration process of the child mothers. The guardians and Parents are also made to realize their roles as parents/ guardians for their children before and after children are abused which has helped in building synergy in creating a conducive environment for the proper growth and development of children.

The gift and donation made to Kemeza Child Support will be used to transform the lives of many child mothers, their children which melt the hearts and change the attitude of many parents/guardians towards realization of child protection in Bugweri District.

Kemeza Child Support Initiative

P.O Box 36844, Kampala

TEL: +(256)776 200 720
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